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d. shortage of capital
e. other
Describe how many days/weeks/months are lost in working time due to such stoppages.

1. For each of the key production processes, give the following facts:
a. description of the process (cutting, stamping, shaping, polishing, etc.)
b. time spent in carrying out the process per item produced
c. person or persons within the enterprise who carry out the process (name, age, sex)
d. hand tools, machinery or other equipment used in carrying out the process
e. place where the process is carried out (house yard, workshed, etc.)
2. Inventory all equipment (hand tools, machinery, transport, worksheds, etc.) For all major pieces of equipment list the:
a. date of purchase, construction or installation
b. original cost
c. approximate replacement period
d. appropriateness for the process being carried out, in terms of size, capacity, cost, integration with other equipment, etc.(This will be a subjective evaluation on your part.)
3. Has the enterprise owner expressed a desire for any new types of technology? What types? Does he/she have any cost extimates [[estimates]] on that new technology? Do you feel that technology would be the most appropriate for the enterprise? Why or why not? What would be the effects of that technology on production capacity? On employment?
* 4. Based on the inventory listed under question 2 above, estimate the total investment in capital equipment for the enterprise.
* 5. Divide the total investment by the average replacement period (question D2c above) to get an approximate depreciation figure

1. How large is the total work force for this enterprise?
2. Does this enterprise use:
a. unpaid family labor only
b. family plus hired labor
c. all hired labor (possibly with family management)
d. other (explain)
3. How many workers work on the enterprise premises? How many in their own homes or another place? Explain.
4. For the enterprise owner or owners, list the following facts:
a. age (approximate)
b. sex
c. caste
d. tasks performed or processes carried out (include management and marketing tasks)
e. parent's occupation (i.e. is this a traditional family occupation or not)
f. status as a landholder
1. landless, does not farm
2. landless, but farms land owned by another
3. small holder (list number of kanals/acres/hectares etc.)
4. large holder (list number of kanals/acres/hectares etc.)
