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5. For each worker, list the following facts:
a. age (approximate)
b. sex
c. caste
d. tasks performed or processes carried out
e. relationship with enterprise owner (e.g. son, niece, neighbor)
f. if hired, mode of payment (daily, weekly, monthly, piecework, job contract basis, etc.)
g. if hired, rate of payment
h. average number of hours worked per day and worked per month during the busy season (list months)
i. average number of hours worked per day and days worked per month during the slack season (list months)
j. frequency and duration of layoffs if any (list months)
k. frequency and amount of overtime payments, if any (explain)
l. status of the worker as a landholder (see question E4f above for categories)
* 6. Based on the data collected under question 5 above, estimate total labor costs for the enterprise during a normally busy period.

1. For each type of product made by the enterprise, list the following facts:
a. type of product
b. places of places where it is marketed (names and addresses of markets, shops, dealers, emporiums, etc.)
c. are intermediaries involved in the marketing of this product ? (explain)
d. Characteristics of any intermediaries involved (vallage-based [[village-based]] or not, same ethnic group or not, etc)
e. sale price to intermediaries, if any
f. retail price to consumers
g. seasonal sale price fluctuations, if any (explain whether these are due to fluctuations in demand, in cost of raw materials, or another cause)
h. volume of sales per day, week or month for this type of product
* 2. Based on the data from question 1 above, estimate the total volume of sales for the enterprise from all products, by week, month or annum
3. Estimate the value of stocks unsold at the time of the interview.
4. Has the enterprise owner identified any special problems with marketing (explain) what might be done to overcome these problems?

1. Has the enterprise owner ever taken out an ADBP loan? if yes, list:
a. amount
b. date of disbursement
c. terms of payment
d. amount still outstanding, if any
e. purpose for which the loan was used
2. Which of the following credit sources does the enterprise owner usually make use of:
a. loans from family members
b. loans from neighbors or friends
c. loans from landlords in the same village
d. loans in cash or kind from raw material suppliers
e. advances from buyers
f. loans from commercial banks
g. other
