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Kaudes must keep enough liquidity to give savers their money if they wish to withdraw funds
must, however, consider 17% lost if excess liquidity + cost in time + money of trips to the Cabang
1 or more days a wk. of Kaudes taken up attending kecamatan meetings + helping Kec. teams collect old BIMAS loans

2. Mantri - field worker; checks from loan applic. info, viability of enterprise, reputation of applicant
   he makes recommendation to accept or deny loan request
   checks on homeowners who miss installments
   [[strikethrough]] prof [[strikethrough]] provides potential homeowner w info. on U.D. program

[[circled]]3 [[/circled]] bookkeeper prepares reports to the Kaudes + Cabang + also acts as desk man when U.D. is open
assists customers to fill out forms, finds lodge cards + prepares receipt for verification by cashier
bookkeepr may not [[strikethrough]] to [[strikethrough]] handle cash