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[[left margin]]WILAYA some large Cabango have both a UDO + one or more Kasis in why case the kasi handles paperwork + the UDO works in the field + supervises penilikes

penilikes are field supervisors who are assigned 4/ UD's each (formerly 6) + must visit each UD at least once a week. 
[[left margin]]CABANG UNIT [[/left margin]]                         
                UDO or Kasi
-  -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -  
       |            |                |         |
      Kaudes      Kaudes          Kaudes     Kaudes
[[written at a right angle]]
             mantri bookkeeper cashier
[[line drawn connected to middle kaudes]]
[[written at a right angle]]
cashier bookeeper