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bungkus done by ibu and anak
 IQ = 2000-2200

1 bungkus 20 biji
  she buys from Pasan
  Sumedang - kiosks
  buys at 7:00, starts work at
  8:00 till sore [[?]] (3-5:00)

3 Q a day in dry, 1 1/2 in rainy
  her enterprise from 1977;
  her cousin
[note] also works on this
  she sells dwitly [[?]] to toko 2
  don restaurant
  Sumedang, Cirebon
  Cianjur, Bandung

[note] she banned from Bapak her cousin also works on this 
she sells directly to toko 2 don restaurant Sumedang, Cirebon, Cianjar, Bandung