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permanent warung, [[strikethrough]]belum[[/strikethrough]] own land, they built
1 helper [[female sign]] - gaji 15,000 Rp.

buy from Beringhanjo
macam 2 makanan jadi + minimum

#13 NY PAWIRO SENTONO alia Mujio
perdanganan expl UMINAH [[female sign]] Sidoagung

bakul jamu
700,000, 24 bulan
her enterprise, husband a farmer (1300 M2/sawah)
pek + remah, letter C, husband's name
buys stock from Pasar

[[strikethrough]] caelly [[/strikethrough]] packs in plastic 
jamie godokan
lower price
sells ederan in plastic containers
also some customers buy her hjouse
her daughter helps 
goes + comes by his umum

#14 NU D. SAHANA (sukartini
trade expl desa Sidomoyo
kebutuhan sehari (warung)
at home
husband ABRI (army, corporal)
loan her name
jam BPKB motor, kwitensi sepeda + TV