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750,000, 18 mo.

pek & rumah, parents name, let C

near school - bought school supplies, bahan soto

includes books

100,000 buys klontong
70,000 soto supplies
100,000 piring
800,000 meilbel (rest own funds)

altho [although] asked for loan for soto enterprise, more used for klontong & furn.

furniture used, has 3 workers who repair & refinish

soto she does herself & klontongan

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#19 MADIWIYONO (Jasman) - loan his name 
[strikethrough/] Jurja [strikethrough] SATIYA [female]

desa Sidoarum

expl dagang

dagang kebutuhan sehari, both [strikethrough/] do [strikethrough] work

pek & rumah, husband's name

brey from [strikethrough/] P [strikethrough] Ketandan, sell to Pasar Kragan (both in [strikethrough/] D [strikethrough] Jogja)

1 [underlined/] wholesaler [strikethrough/] area [strikethrough] [underlined]

sell in open area, fixed place

daging sapi

daging from Pasar Jagalar