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10-35 from own if credit besar

teanah (wholesale & retailer)
 onset 2 juta of wh 50%
minyak, bensin oli
rest from other goods

- 2 sepeda motor
- 1 [[female symbol]] tenaga, angkat drum,

[[right page]]
#51 dagang klontongan, janda
+ makanan kecil
  more klontong
[[Female symbol]] investeri perdangin
750,000 , 3 years
a. 250,000 tempat useha
warung dipinier jalan Godean ->
Ke Musku (tempat lahir Pres. Suharto)
b. 500 Yamaha sepeda
motor bekas, she uses for shopping
buys supplies from mobilbox from Jogja (75%)
two [[strikeout]]girls [[female symbol]] teenagers help
onset 600,000 of which 
95,000 profit