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poultry shop in Jogja drops food, bibit, obatan
eggs bought by one trades + meat by another

1 sepeda motor
4 helpers - 2 children
          - 2 helpers @ 40,000 + makan

was 3000 chickens at time of insp.
1000 potong
2000 bertelur

omset 5 juta 1 mo. 
laba [[strikethrough]] 2, 770,000 [[/strikethrough]] 720,000

#2 peternakan, ayam, potong & telur
[[male sign + female sign]] patanian inv

700,000 24 mo.
a. 300,000 perbaikan kandang
b. 250,000 bibit
c. 150,000 makanan + obat2an

they have 400 chickens
a. 270 [[strikethrough]] doging [[/strikethrough]] telus
b. 130 doging

gets from poultry store in Jogja; setor [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] egg to big pedagang
pengumpul in Joahan, kal Sambaragung (Bu Parto)
(same as #1)
doging to the same poultry shop + also ayam afgir (lower price)