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#12 ternak puyu (quail?)
[[male symbol]]
pertaian m.k.
400,000, 24 belon [[?]]
a. to buy chicks + [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]
grown (layers)
100 chicks
200 layers
300,000 Rp
b. makanan - food
almost same as ayam
2 workers - son
- [[male symbol]] tetanga
30,000 Rp.
buys from trader who also
brings food
sells to another trade
now has 300 ekor +
afgir also sold to yet another
trader omset 700,000
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] laba 150,000

1 egg sells for 25-30 Rp;
gets about 200 eggs a day