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at time of permahonan register
35 filled out only + sektos
no listed there
kaudes says if they tell him what
the loan is for, he "mengarakan"
to inv. or exploitasi
will mengutaman alat dulu,
kandes soup, later give (crossout)
they are "belum berani" to give 
loans for start-up capital 
now 30% pelaniant 70%
pendagangan-location of UD +
pos affects this 
legalan area
his U.D. about 200 meter dari
Pasan Kandagan
pos also near pasan
they (crossout) say inspection + analysis
requirements same for inv +
cabang officer says must do cash 
flow for investasi
begin with model 72 for Kandangan
#1 coffee 
2 juta, 1 yr w/ 9mo
grace (misiman)
petanian expl.
a. 250,000 pupuk (crossout) +
b. 450,000 tenaga
c. 200,000 food for workers
d. 50,000 pajaklanah
e. angukutan 150,000 sulaman
inv. (arrow) f. pinanaman kembali
g. lain2 (ban mobil,
he has a colt (crossout) mini-
pickup) 150,000
road bad so must change
back tires ever 2-3 mo
he owns 1 1/2 ha of trees
omeet 8 kwintal, 2100 Rp
a kilo = 1,680,000
he also plants vanilla + cenke