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4 [[slashthrough]] atelase   [[\slashthrough]]
etalase (lemari) + 1 tempat rokok, 5 rack

if brought today wld be worth 1 juta all

own store building + land, beside house but separate bldg.
certificate tanah rumah es guarantee, husband's name

1) -clothes from pasa Magelang; raises price 20%
many sales before hari Raya - about 20% of sales usually but before hari Raya 50%
sales also go up some ("agak laku") at time of coffee + renke harvest buys kontan + sells mainly kontan also

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about 300,000 at a time,3x a mo to Pasar Magelang

2) sepatu didrop from Tasik, 1x a mo., every 10th of the mo. she buys about 300,000 at a time; also from pasar Magelang, 200000-300000 at a time

3)alat 2 tulis from Magelang
  1. toko in Pasas Kidul ("Toko Dua") - 400,000 buys at a time 
  2. also didrop from Magelang once a wk. 200,000 at a time

4)bola pecah from pasar Magelang, 1 trader 
  2x a [[slashthrough]] time [[\slashthrough]] mo, 500,000 at a time

5)gets 9 bahan pokok dari 2 agen in Temanggung
  4 times a mo, she picks up 600,000-700,000 at a time