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c.  1 juta 1986 [[strikethrough]] 5  [[strikethrough]] or 1987
       a.  500,000 kain + pak jadi
       b.  500,000 beras + Telus
d.  1 1/2 juta 1988
           750,000 )
           750,000 ) same division
 land where warung located
punya famili, he owns the warung
   since 1980 solf kain + pakaian 
   beras + telur since 1986
banned about BRI loans from
a friend
      also ikuts simpedes now
loan in wifes name - she is in
Jogja now

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  before KUP only 1 enterprise,
now separate
     wife kain + baju
     husb. tetur +beras
she formerly bought kain +
baju from Magelang + now
[[strikethrough]] oh [[/strikethrough]] since more capital from
Klewer in Solo
to Magelang 2x a wk.; once
to Solo recently (loan out 10 Oct,
     buys 300,000 at a time in 
he wld. like another loan of 
1 1/2 mil.
certificate, tanah pekarangan +
numah as guarantee, wife's mane
he doesn't know inv. or expl.
rok + blus, men's + women's