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#25 [underlined/] 9 bahan pokok - [underlined]


wide of 2 boys help

- 600,000, 18 mo.

to buy stock from Temanggung, store & pasar

omset 2 juta
laba 170,000

8 1/2 profit
langsung konsumer

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Subari [male sign]

desa Wonokerso, kec. Pn. ternak lembu (sapi-beef 18K. from here cattle)

(on Semarang border)

[on left margin/]

NAS. #1 expl petanian because less than 1 yr. slautered

[on left margin]

4 kali KUP

1. 200,000 1986

a. bought 1 [strikethrough/] cent [strikethrough] small male animal 150,000

b. pupuk (urea)

to plant corn, rumgutnya for ternak

2. 300,000

a. bought young animal (pedet) 200,000

b. 75,000 pupuk (urea)

c. 25,000 tenaga to plant corn

3. 500,000

a. 2 pedet for 500,000