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2 set alat ukir
all tala
34 tatu
27,500Rp current price
(set tukang & set ukir lain)
enterprise started 1963, 1974 started ukir
has a colt pick-up, bought in 1985, none of funds from KUP; 2.65 juta bekas
use for angkutan meubel; for angkutan kayu sewa truck
[[strikethrough]]a. store wood 7x11m" walled in
b. tempat tukong 7x11m [[/strikethrough]]
7x11" { a. to store wood
{ b. tempat tukang
c. tempat barang jadi, seperti numah 6x10m as a store, 100m from jalen
d. Barang setengah jadi 6x8m2
[strikethrough] le doesn't mat[[/strikethrough]]
about 30% orers from Magelang, Parakan, Temaggung, Ngadirjio (perseorangan, not toko)
jiminan certificate now, tanah namah, in his wife's name he doesn't explor investin;
- has a diesel 1966, 425,000Rp at home mainly for lampu, but menjelang ha
450 watt his diesel
he is waiting for listrik ped. 
1989 planned - wants a bubut listrik - 1 juta 200,000 or 800,000 kurrent
also wants a compressor listrik to menyemprot plitur [[strikethrough]] 450,000 [[/strikethrough]]
180,000 (yang bukan listrik 450,000)
can get from toko besi in Semarang