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spents about 150,000 a day,
  1 1/2 juta a mo.
  onset 2 juta a mo.
  profit 300,000-500,000 a mo.
he can make about 30 [[underlined]]frogs[[/underlined]] a mo., 1 colt every 2 mo.
          2 M cubic
            40,000 Rp
            kaym local
  he sells for 5000 a [[underlined]]kodok[[/underlined]];
  profit 150,000 a mo.

total profit 450,000 - 600,000 a mo.
            in order [[underlined]]kodok[[/underlined]] painted +_
            400 each & sells for

[[line separating sections]]
had no trade enterprise before
formerly made patung ebon, could
finish 1 med. sized
buy wood ebon [[strikethrough]] expensive
(now 800 Rp per K - a med.
sized 25K)
profit one [[underlined]]statue[[/underlined]] ebon 80,000 a
mo (ebon) so much less
profitable than trading

[[next page]]
bought Suzuki in 1988, [[bikes?]],
3.7 juta from Dasil trade
motor in 1986, 1.335 juta, banu
belum memperbaiki warning

[[line separating sections]]
[[circled]]#3[[/circled]] [[below circle symbol for male]]
Ketut Jasa          [[underlined]]KAIN PRADA[[/underlined]]
banjir Babakan, [[kalc?]] Sukowati,
kec. Sukowati
1/2 K. from here

formerly hand painted (1978-1984)
with 20 workers
bought [[strikethrough]] cetak (sablon)
  1. kain beli tetoron
[[left margin]] silk screen [[/left margin]]
  2. lem kayu ([[strikethrough]] rakoll Sunbaya) + prada                                 
     (bought in form of power - [[strikethrough]]
      uses made in London. the Chinese
  3. silk screened ([[strikethrough]] part not
     painted covered w/ plastic)

3 K lem mixed w/  1 K prada + 1/2 liter

Transcription Notes:
Was not sure how to note that the underlines were made in red the words written in black ink. Written in journal that has printed at the top; Month _______, Date ______, ______ day, Page _______. At the bottom of first page the quote 'It is wrong to tell a lie' and on second 'Don't make light of your life.'