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                1. 700,00
erpl             a. 300,000 kayn (pule + sandat)
industri         b. cet 200,000
                   a. Emco (biaqa)
                   b. arcus, bencu, (Traditional)
                    Worna prada (H.K.)  HK.
                 c. Tenaga 7 orang, not ind.
                    himself 200,000
erpl              2. 1.4  18 bulan, als.
industri          a. 600,000 kayn     5 payments
                  b. cet 400,000
                  c. tenaga 400,000
        has made masks since small, own
        enterprise since 19[strikethrough] 8 [/strikethrough]74
               a. Talanas 35,000
               b. Simpedes? 80,000
        his name
         wife sells masks + heasan from
         old money (uang?, kepeng,) in Paso,
         Seni ; 2nd floor, pay 4500 a mo (tax)
         at home just built a 13 1/2 X 3M^2
          wants to borrow again; mau nak?
          kaca + slock?
jaminan numah diatas tanah desa,
his name 
still same house w/orang tua
-kurang tahu erpl on unit. 
in 1 mo. sells 200 - 400, acc. to season 
7 workers at home can make 2-3 a 
day - can make min. 450 a mo. 
10% menampung from
others; he never setors
to neighbors
about half HH's in Puaya pengra - 
jin kulit like last interviewee, + 
half peng, kayn (topeug+banongfaces) 
formerly he went 1976-77 to forests at 
Sengaraja; now people bring from
buys by truck 125,000 per truck
some trucks 40 batang, each / M
in length.
dries open air 5 hours
can make more in day season