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Month____          PAGE____

h. 20,000 wages per mo. per tukang x 10 = 200,000

Kuta stores use contracts - every so many days must setor

if he had more capital

profit bersih 100,000-200,000 a mo. + uang dapur 300,000

workers eat 2x a day = 300,000 a mo.

yet he says his profit 10% (5-15%)
[[strikethrough]] usua [[/strikethrough]] 5-8% is usual

Slamet says 355,000 but not yet overtime wages
now says wages 40,000 per mo.
if recalculate 155,000 profit


Month____          PAGE____

[[strikethrough]] [[before Kun?]] [[/strikethrough]] if had capital could sell on 1 mo. credit (system bon - dilunasi when next time setor) + get 20% profit; now 15%

workers = 5 girls + 5 boys

every 35 days must give 6 of workers
(family) bonus of 20,000
other 4 non-family + don't get.
others get 10,000 every 6 mo. for hari raya bonus
are about 35 HHs in [[banyar?]] Seseh (cabang of larger kal. koop)
alr. in coop Kooperasi Pengr. 
             Perak + Mas

[[strikethrough]] [[Pak Ktul?]] [[/strikethrough]] he is a coordinator of the coop

175 Units in whole Kal. - Cooperasi Mas-Perak Singapadu Timur
dibawa Kup
every 3? mo. get bantuan bahan
mas + perak   2 gram mas
             500 gram perak
form of credit

Transcription Notes:
interpret [[?]] and bracketed words if possible