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Month__                          PAGE__
1 are gets 60 K gabah
- system gotong roying (subak = irrigation group)
- he looks for food, doesn't buy - banana roots + stems, grass
- sapi can plow for about 5 yrs.
   onset 450,000 in 4 mo.
     (hasil paren 60 are)
     counted 175 Rp per K gabah
   before sapi, he only 
   projeksi - 630,000
projeksi laba 260,000

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#9 [[symbol for male sex}} industri expl
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ukir patung, jenis Garuda small size
   400,000, 24 month
a. 350,000
b. 50,000 tenaga (2 SD children, pengosok who polish)
children borongan, paid about 1500 per hari (11-4 after school)
he carves alone, no other carvers
pinus (pine) wood - rough wood

[[preprinted]] IT IS WRONG TO TELL A LIE. [/preprinted]]
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Month__                          PAGE__
buys wood in own banjas, cuts down himself + brings home 
sells in Pasan Seni or art shop
[[strikethrough]] dijejekan [[/strikethrough]]
'dijajakan' - offered around
     onset 350,000
     laba 90,000
sells for 7500 @, he can make 3 a day
     he sells putihan
   he doesn't paint

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#10 [[symbol for female sex]] industri expl
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1 juta, 24 monthly
a. all for cloth
3 [[symbol for female sex]] workers, paid borongan
1 stel 1500 wages, can finish max 1 stel a day + pakaian peqaurai
school + scout uniforms
(schools + offices in Den Pasan + her village desa, Ketewal) 
husband does cutting
     3 mesin jahit
     1 obras
buys cloth from toko in D.P. (jl. Dajah Mada)

[[preprinted]] DON'T MAKE LIGHT OF YOUR LIFE. [/preprinted]]