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-she has 1 sep. motor which she
uses for going around
bought '79, bekas
buys mornings, sells around
sells to 10 shops near here
sells most
(Anak Aaung Rai Art
(Aqung Raka
along main rd. in Kei.
also to 5 shops in Ubud
she also buys frames + puts
on herself + paints
buys from Mangku Desa Lisig
buys 2500 Rp a meter tem -
1000 young basa
|50| small 25,000 + 2000 + 3000 profit = 30,000|
|10| med 100,000 + 15,000 + 10,000 = 125,000|
|5| besar 350,000 + 25,000 + 50,000 = 425,000|

[[second page]]

sells husbands: [[?]] [[?]]
1. besan - 1 a mo. 350,000
(50,000 for canvas, cet, frame)
2. sedang - 4 or 5 @ 75,000 - 100,000,
(10,000) pokak)
3. kecil - 10 @ 25,000), 
(5000 pokok)

sawah 35 and (3500 M) - 1/3 for person who works, 2/3 for his [[?]] she gives inputs 2x panen, if sell all her share 75,000 Rp per museum
shops pay her 50% 1st, 50% after 2 or 3 wks whether [[?]] or not
easy to find store which want
her oldest son, also a painter, age 15; also school; he [[?]] + [[?]] [[?]]