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under 3 juta
same time to realize inv. &

takes time to 
do cash flow 
quitanse after realizasi; they
must submit [[rencana?]] &

[[rencana?]] [[pengunaran?]]
kredit &
[[perkiraan?]] for
inv only
corrections: model 

[[Formul..?]] 70A for under
750,000 [[Rp..?]] - 
a. inv. doesnt require 
cash flow 
b. expl requires 
projection only 
[[formul...?]] 70B for under 
a. inv doesn't require 
b. expl requires c. flow

[[next page]] 

inv has max B [[yes?]] so
some like, esp. for [[kios?]];
Kaudes doesnt agree if combined
because of diff in interest
if a [nas.?]] has goten more exp
interest 2 times, K. likes to help
by giving lower interest 3rd time; 
they are afraid [[nas.?]] will [[lari?]] to
[[cabang?]] or [[lain?]] bank (bank [[pasan?]] will
take him quickly if has a good
record as a [[BRI?]] [[nas?]].)
tambal sulam = to cover old
loan [[w/?]] new ([[mengali?]] [[lobangy?]],
talup [[lobang?]])
they admit villages dont underst-
*they see [[pequnaan?]] + make decision
problem loans not always used as

I [[keluanqa?]] only I credit, may
not use for 2 types of usaha;
if [[permohonam?]] 2, they [[melayani?]]
only I
usually choose husbands enter-

re [[sekton?]] Mantri fills out model
70 after [[periksaan?]]