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lose 2-10 eggs to breakage on trip to his house
if too small or bena air mati tetun
burp kontan + sells kontan no other bank; cheaper than private
he sells bibit to village people - usually order 3 days ahead
every 3 days he has bibit to sell

1. Pak Br ambil itik from nas-paup
2. itik dikasih ke anak buah
3. Pak Br. [[strikethrough]] diks [[strikethrough]] dibayan dengan Telur
4. telur to nas - nas payo
5. nas menetaskan [[strikethrough]] ke [[strikethrough]] Telurenya
6. if he asks for, itik to Pak Br
if not sells 

Pak Br has ordered all his prod this month

Pak Br only orders 1 1/2 mo before panen padi, 2X a yr.

his enterprise not musiman; if no orders wife sells in market
if goes to pasar by motorcycle - sells only bibit in pasar
a dealer (Pan Sulasi) buys all eggs [[why?]] don't jadi

1 mo. lahir 10 Kali X 900 = 9000
omset bibit 450,000-500,000 per 2500
omset telur tidak jadi 90,000 

formerly 2 hired workers but now kids older so has fired

if rain 500-600 hatch X
if dry 900-1000 X
not because hatching rate but because hard to get eggs if very dry