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if heavy [[strikethrough]]? [[/strikethrough]] rains 
telur sawah hand to get; 
if too dry they don't lay 
white bibit more expensive 
because used for upacana

profit 150,000 - 200,000

costs kampil,telur,gabah

Sl. says 230,722 profit [[strikethrough]]a [[/strikethrough]] every 3 days [[strikethrough]]mo.[[/strikethrough]] based on 2500 bought; 
less in some months

x10 [[strikethrough]]? [[/strikethrough]] because sells every 3 day

used for ngaben - now 400 [[male symbol]] @
loans a lot of effect he says - 
started from nol; in 1979 bought 
land - parents have nothing
now 4 are sawah

[[strikethrough]]bought[[/strikethrough]] built house in 1980 which contracts
in 1985 built another house in back for 4 juta 

[[strikethrough]]for[[/strikethrough]] from 198[[strikethrough]]9[[/strikethrough]]2-88 he [[strikethrough]]bought [[/strikethrough]] attended school

administration nequa (rospol) - Mahendadata V., D.P. (tests from Jember U.)

2x [[strikethrough]]mo [[/strikethrough]] omset and profit compared w/ before 1985
no additional materials

9 krombong - costs 1000-1500 @
4 balai 37,500 @

balai[[strikethrough]]n [[/strikethrough]] repaired 1975
bamboo --> wood

#6 Pak Nyoman Katul
penusahaan genteng
banjan Singouwan
desa Nyitdah
kec. Kedini

5x here

genteng - 1. 700,000

he spent 3.5 of own capital and own tambahan.
bought construction mats to trade