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d.dedak 10,000


2.  300,000  1986, 3x4 bulan
     a.  250,000 1 ekor betina
     b.  perbaikan kandang 50,000
         atap genteng (formerly alang 2)
         cement alas (floor-before earth)
     c.  obat 25,000
     d.  1 KW dedak 15,000

not yet realized 
pet expl

3.  1987, 3x4 bulan 600,000
     a. 2 ekor, betina 500,000

prefers betina so can breed

     b.  50,000 perbaikan kendang
     c.  obatan 25,000
     d.  1 1/2 KW dedak = 30,000  (20,000 per)
learned about KUP from pamong

'tanaman keras'

desa (inform announced)
no other bank loans
Dinas Petemakan comes about 1X a mo. + gives info on diseases etc.
loan in his name; guarantee in wife's name


54 are sawah (wife's name
73 are ladang (planted coklat, cenkeh, kelapn

doesn't know inv. or expl.
2 kandangs now 3X4 masing 2
- tetap will pinjam again
700,000 wants (
buy sapi again + perbaikan again
has to rebuild kandang every year
because cow's feet destroy 
from Pasar Bringkit
he asks petugas Petern. tinqkat
kec. to go wi him when buy
naik auto truk diesel, 25000 for
2 ekor