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buys 7 bulan (weaned),
takes care of for 1 yr + sells at
age 1 yr 7 mo.
if pregnant doesn't use for 
Janet disewa
sapi Bali (pantat putih
sandagar datangs - from
desa Gadongan
sells to pay credit - sells for

gives grass, rumput gadja from
own kebun
at 11:00 AM dedak campus air
1 hari 2 K dedak
250 per K (price high now
because rainy season)
25,000 per tahun habis for obat
gived dedak once every 5
days or if sapi doesn't
look healthy
sapi put in kebun kelapa +
they also eat leaves falling from trees

- sap Bali can only pregnant
after 2 years so he has neve,
cotton a child
50,000-75 he estimate profit
per year now
-before had to memeligara sapi 
secara bagi basil
before his profit about
25,000 a yr (50,000 dibogi
dua, profit on 1 sapi)
only 1 dibagi basil
he does all caring for sapi
wife has 4 pigs
no other enterprises

#3 peternakan itik
[[drawn symbol for man]]
2 Wayan Weder
(wife interviewed
Ni Nengah Siben)
banjas Bantas Tengah Klod
desa Bgutas
kec. Selomadeg