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meri = duckling

1 K from U.D office 
already 11 tahun has bred ducks
nas. since 1982
1. Dec. 1984, 300,000, 18 bulanan
a. bought 400 ekor bibit ('meri') @ 500 = 200,000
b. 8000 obat 2 an
c. 15,000 transport
d. [[strikethrough]] 2 KW makamsa 8 sak @ 25,000 [[/strikethrough]] 
bought 4 sak @ 50K 
@ 25,000 = 100,000 Rp
2. 500,000
a. 600 ekor x 500 = 300,000
b. obat 2 an 16,000
c. 20,000 angkut
d. 10 sack @ 25,000 (dari pabrik - concentrate)

after 10 sacks finished can take to sawah - can use for 2 mo.
1 hectare 25,000-30,000 to contract, she contracts 5-10 hectare
15-25 hari habis 
so about age 2 mo. taken to sawah 
about 4 mo. later (age 6 mo.) starting to lay 
after 1 panen eaten move to another location terus, selalu ada
3. 200,000 1988 (only needed that much)
pet expl
a. 400 ekor for bibit @ 500 = 200,000
b. obat 2 an 16,000
c. 2 1/2 sack concentrate @ 25,000 = 62,500
d. 15,000 ongkos angkutan
has never borrowed to another bank
-Tabanas borrower - [[plus or minus]] 25000 now
if needs will borrow again)