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(differs from previous answer)
if musim paceklik given sago but she has never experienced.

[[strikethrough]] bcaija [[/strikethrough]] pays new contact 2 days before moving, all in cash [[strikethrough]] udef [[/strikethough]] before bringing ducks.

untung bersih 100,000 a mo. she says

buys a new jaring net every 6 mo., 30,000 @ 22,000-30,000 every time move ducks for angbutan
25,000 obat 2 an a mo.
net profit

[Second Page]
-She can make house from profit
- Before 1984 only cared for 200 ekor (3 x Lipat)
Doesn't remember profit then; never borrowed outside to friends
She has 5 and [[sawah?]] [[?]], 9 are [[tanah?]] [[mwah?]] [[?]], 9 are kebun wausan
Only the last 3 yrs [[subaks?]] ([[vivig?]] groups) have been venting out [[sawahs?]] - wang masuk kas subak
Formerly free of charge, but more people realising ducks now.
[There is a line in the page here]
Acc. to Kaudes:
starting 1970 had to raise ducks because pesticides + insecticides BIMAS
peternak started 1974 coming to kanton kecamatan to problems:
1. bebek bisa makan pupuk; bothered farmers