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Month *
* Induk is investasi (mother pigs)
mantri agrees they are reluctant to gather info.
*from stores to make up RAB 
5. Surat penawaran
no extra payments from stores in Sept (1.44% of nos) -Oct investments up (1.77% of nos)
If mixed catat as expl -
will give to yang domain -
if low interest rate, they worry masabah merasa '[[rengain + high tuggakan]] now none, however because so few inv loans at Megati sektor dagang:bikin warang chain saw - they put in pen - ddgangan

only 3 sektors: perdagangan * petanian industri
no inv industri, only inv md,
- they both say inv. lebih mengantang-kam- hard to explain
- [strikeout] kafau [strikeout] besar pinjaman here
- kandes 1 1/2 yr on the job
Mantri 8 mo
no refused laons ever

pengembala =
pengangon = cowherd

no inv. grace period or mupinan here are, hervevel m.,. loans w/ grace and museman
[strikeout] they say better to. [strikeout] for nas. here cepat kelauas more imp. than interest.they prefer digabung so mas. who don't underst. difference aren't bothering them for 1% - they feel (yang dekat) get 1%+ don't understand so kandes + matri prefer digabeng mantri says, however nas. [[mampis?]]