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the magical powers of a Kris are affected by the numerical relationship that exists between the proportions of its blade, and between the dimentions of the blade and those of the user's hand 
these dimentions are measured with a piece of busung, i.e. young coconut leave
number of folds, called rai, determine the properties of the kris, whether it brings good luck or bad, etc. (see Eiseman for a list of the properties assoc. with each number of rai)
system seems to favor kris that are long with respect to width are two other systems that use the width of the thumb and the width of the palm as measures ((hence the Balinese Kris associated with numerology))
every Raja had his own smith, always one of the Pande clan 
pandes have their own temples and even their own high priests; Brahma, associated with fire, is held to be of the highest importance among the Pade, and the Pande temple at Besaki[[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] h is decorated in bright red, the color of Brahma and kelod, seaward, direction
the smith has to observe an elaborate series of rituals and prohibitions if he is to make a powerful kris
he must work only on auspicious days, make offerings for the kris every day
he or some other priest must symbolically bring the kris to life after it has been finished
after this the kris must be treated with great respect, never left lying around for others to handle
esp. powerful kris are kept in special shrines in the family temple and only brought out for ceremonies
some owners will allow no one to touch their kris at all
it is bad manners to ask to see the kris belonging to someone else or to handle it unduly
one must make a special offering for one's kris every 210 days, on a day that is called Tumpek Landep ((also for all other blades, including kitchen knives, etc.))
seems to extend to all things metal, because cars, bicycles, motorcycles and guns must also have offerings on this day
ceremony for the kris on Tumpek Landep conducted within the house; one such ceremony conducted by a Balinese woman for Eiseman's kris involved an ayam biing, a chicken with rust-colored feathers and yellow feet and beak
kris is hung up, sprinkled with hold water, and the essence of the offerings wafted over it
the 'taji', or sharp blades that are affixed the the legs of fighting cocks, are considered magically powerful also
all sorts of special precautions have to be made when these are forged by Pande; they are treated with care and respect, and also given offerings at the time of Tumpek Landep
strong kris, that will not bend easily or snap, may be used after a special ceremony in the barong dance
word kris seldom used by villagers; instead they use various euphemisms which indicate their respect
((note that some of the cases for taji are in the shape of Semar))
today Balinese only wear kris when dancing or involved in important ceremonies such as tooth filing; worn slung across the back