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like; can we sort out terms (wootz, watered steel, damascene,etc. - Eiseman uses 'Damascene' to refer to laminated steel produced by layering, as in pamor)

6. Q - were the mountain temples Tantric?; what exactly does this mean?; some pretty horible references to Tantrism in the literature involving human sacrifice; what period Tantrism?

7. Q - is the greater sacredness of iron smithing associated with headhunting and possible human sacrifice?

8. Q - O'Connor quotes an article by Supomo that discusses 'Parwataraja', a 14th c. mountain deity from Jav. kakawins that Supomo claims was more imp than Brahma - any other references to Parwatarja?

9. Q - acc. to DeKat Angelino (in O'Connor) Balinese smiths believe they are decended from Mpu Brahma Wisesa, an incarnation of Brahma who lived separate from mankind as a hermit in the hills of Java; first as a hammer, thigh as  an anvil, etc. - any other references to this figure?

10. Q - Fox refers to Ratu Gede Pande as the 'god' of the blacksmith clan; is he a god? another name for Ratu Gede Pande is Empy Pradha; this name used in the Prasasti Sir Pande Empu to refer to the 1st head of the pande clan who presumably came over from Java and settled in the Lake Beratan/Bedugul area

11. Q - do Pande's associate themselves with Agni, the Indian fire god? use red, the color of Brahma, in costumes and ceremonies

12. Q - Eiseman says Balinese pandes transformed relatively soft wrought iron into steel by melting it in crucibles and them casting as ingots which were hammered - any truth to this?

13. Q - has Garrett ever seen Trumek Landep ceremony?

14. Q - Fox mentions that Balinese consider Besakih founded at end of 8th century  by Sri Markandeya, a Siwaite leader from Gunung Raung in basuke area of East Java - he is the one who, on his second tirp, buried the five Metals (pancadatu) at Pura Basukian, the email temple with 7 roofs just below steps leading to Pura Panataran Agung at Besaki
his group later settled down in Gianyar and believed to have founded great temple at Taro village
anything more on the five metals?

15. Q - more on Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa - Fox says is another name for Siwa and is assoc. with the Siwa-siddhanta sect of Hinduism which became dominant in Bali; also , however, all three gods of the Hindu trinity (trimurtha), ie Brahma, Wisnu, and Siwa are manifestations of Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa; trisula-like nature of flame ornaments