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To Do in Tabanan

1. there are pandes in Bmjar Batu Sagihan, Kel. Sudimara, Kec. Tabanan, Kab. Tabanan (Sekar Lati) - confirmed by staf BRI Tebanan who say there and 10 pande enterprises at Batu Sagihan

2. one important branch of the original pande group from Lake Beratan area is said in the Prasasti Sira Pande Empu lontar to have migrated to Marga, about 5 kilos from Tabanan

3. Pande high priest an old man named Empu Santa Budhi, lived in Kediri (our reasearch village), but officiated for Banjar Beratan Pandes in Singaraja on the north coast - was still alive when Eiseman wrote his pande chapter (visited his son) 

4. Pinwill says there are pande in Unit Desa Sen Bantas area, Tabanan

To Do in Gianyar

1. revisit I Wayan Rutig, the kris dealer, at Banjar Jelaka, desa Batuan, Kec. Sukawati 
he gets his krises from desa Negara, west of Sukwati (?) where are 2 pande who make new kris
also has 5 guys to bring in kris from Lombok

2. look for taji cases in the shape of Semar at Murni's (found some, not so good)

3. revisit Banjar Pande, Kel. Sidan, Kec. Gianyar; formerly talked to Paj Tantra, the stressed-out ex cop coop head; 33 pande households belong to the coop
(not yet)

(4. visit kain endeg maker - take sample)(done, ordered 10 meters in gringsing pattern)

5. to museum at Pejeng and Moon of Pejeng (not yet) 

6. at village of Taro in Gianyar, is a great temple, believed to be founded by Sri Markandeya, the Javanese Siwaite leader who brought a group over from E. Java at the end of the 8th century, buried the 5 metals (pancadatu) at Pura Basukian near Besakih; they settled down in the Payangan and Tegalalang districts (kecamantan?) of Gianyar 
(not yet)

To Do in the Besakih area