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use 10
before paid wages of 30,000 Rp a mo. and now 40,000 Rp
before worked 7:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00 every day and never or seldom lembur (overtime); now 2 days a month overtime before sold only at Kuta, and now als oto 3 shpos in Celuk before sold to only one shop at Kuta, and now to 4 shops there - quality of his goods hasn't changed, but he can raise the price because he uses gold combination
new tools havn't affected quality because they are duplicates of tools he already has
now has:
- 12 gunting
- 4 hammers
- 4 palu (?)
- 3 penganden (also called krot or penarik kawat)
- 1 grinda listrik
- 1 bor listrik
- 2 penyanting
- 1 set penghalus mas (formerly borrowed from neighbors)
- 4 sikat (uses up 4 a month)
- 1 set gulung perak

4. [[underlined]] from industry tour to Banjar Pandai [[/underlined]]
visited this blacksmithing village on 2nd day of industry tour in Gianyar
Banjar Pandai is located in kal. Sidan. kec. Gianyar
50 households, both the men and women work
they have used a pit rather than squatting since about 1962, and a rotary rather than a double piston bellows since about 1963
make agricultural, carpenters and wood carvers tools
agricultural tools include:
- parang (a beautiful axe)
- pisau
- tamba (cankul bergigi 4)
- 2 kilogram pacul
- garpu
also pahat
a coop ('klompok') was started in 1981, but has been macet for the last 3 years because of lack of capital
it has 33 members; the head is Pak Tantra (1st house coming into the village)
they use a nail-shaped paron
they are from the pandai caste; they say is the highest caste in Bali
empu considered a kind of pendeta
Tumpek Landep ceremony once every 6 months
during this ceremony they take 3 days of, during which time they may not work, make sajen (?)
every day, however, they put a small lsajen near the dapur they have health problems, nerve problems
Pak tantra says he has fainted 3 times due to stress of heading the coop and its collapse (kemacetan)
they sell their toolds to Pasars Klungkung Ubud, Payangan and Den Pasar