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means a total of 107 days a year off for ceremonies
since 1986 he has been paying wages to his own family members;
the youngest sister gets only 1000 Rp a day because she is considered an apprentice 
the two hired workers are both girls, ages 15 and 21 
one of the 2 hired workers also gets 1000 Rp a day 
all of the others, including his wife and the older hired worker, 
get 3000 Rp a day
they all get 5000 Rp extra if work evenings; the two hired workers 
work only 10 evenings a month
all of the hired workers he has used in the past have also been 
hired workers get no extra gifts or holiday payments 
the reason apprentices get less is because they often spoil the
raw materials (bahan) they are working on 
there is a division of labor in the enterprise: A.A. makes all
the new designs 
the hired workers are used to add small beads of silver which are
glued on first, and then soldered (dilem dulu, terus dipatri)
the other can do all processes 
A.A. uses between 1-3 kg silver a month, averaging 1.5 kg; before
getting his KUPEDES loans, he averaged only .5 kg.
the hired workers eat with them only about 5 x a month and their 
meals are worth 500 Rp  each
A.A.'s tools and equipment include:
a. 6 worktables @ 11,000 Rp
b. 3 kompor @ 17,000 - 20,000 Rp
c. 3 pairs of palu and paron @ 5000 - 12,000 Rp (hammers and
d. 4 sets of scissors and tongs @ 3000 - 6000 Rp
e. 1 set 'rampel' and 'pengalan' for polishing; he bought the 
set in 1986, didn't use before
none of this equipment is motorized
his enterprise very small from 1980-1986 and then enlarged
he buys silver at 'Toko Bintang 52' in Denpasar on Jl. Sulawesi;
also from Rasyid (a larger entrepreneur) in Celuk who owns 'Toko
gold from same sources
he buys silver and gold 1 x a mo.
he sells finished goods both on order and by stock accumulation
and talking around
he goes to Kuta about 2 x a month where he sells to Yusuf Silver;
in Celuk sells to Toko Kayangan
since starting his business in 1980 he has sold only to these two 
it takes two hours to make a round trip to Den Pasar, including 
time waiting for the silver
uses his own motorcycle which he bought used in 1988 for 950,000
he only sells in Celuk if his Kuta connection doesn't need anything
formerly he didn't buy gold or silver, but got it from Yusuf and
only paid for his labor; called 'sistem masuh'
at that time got 1000 Rp per ring for labor
the raw materials used to make such a ring are worth 2700 Rp