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(1200 Rp for silver, 1000 Rp for gold, 500 Rp for the stone) and the ring sells for 4200 Rp to Yusuf, so the profit is 1500 Rp and there is a hidden interest payment of about 50% on a loan of about 20 days
if demand is high (kalau ramai pasaranya), A.A. can sell the ring wholesale for 5000 Rp
if he doesn't get his silver and gold from Yusuf, Yusuf can be picky (pilih-pilih), just choosing the pieces he likes, because there are many other sellers
if this happens, A.A. ends up selling cheaper to someone else nonetheless, he makes more profit if doesn't 'masuh', and hasn't done so since taking out KUP. loans
he has recently joined coop but has taken out no loans; no loan source other than KUPEDES
can now sell about 200 rings and 50 bracelets a month if gets another for earrings, however, may make only earrings, in which case he can finish 300 pair a month
his turnover period is one month 
he loses about 5 weeks a year to work stoppages (kemacetan) because buyers don't want to accept any more jewelry for a while- formerly he could also get cash advances from Jusuf (presumably for labor)
now sometimes takes part of his payment from Jusuf in gold and silver; A.A. takes enough in cash, however, to pay wages and his KUPEDES loan
sometimes Jusuf supplies the stones, in which case the 500 Rp price of the stone is deducted from the sales price
if Jusuf or his wife are at home, A.A. is paid kontan; problem that they are often away attending exhibitions (pameran), or even selling their goods to Singapore, America, etc.
A.A.'s workshop makes only one type of bracelet, which he usually sells for 24,000 Rp.; the materials for this type of bracelet cost 10,800 Rp. and the labor costs about 6000 Rp (it takes two days to make a bracelet), so his profit is about 7,200 Rp, minus bensin and the cost of any food given to the workers
now says he setor twice a month, the first time rings and the second bracets
when setor rings gets 900,000 Rp kotor (gross) for 200 rings, or 4500 Rp each; uses 500,000 worth of silver and 100,000 work of gold to make this many rings, leaving 300,000 for labor costs, gas, loan payments and profit
when setor bracelets gets 1.2 million Rp kotor for 50 bracelets, 24,000 Rp each; needs 400,000 worth of silver, 300,000 worth of gold and 150,000 worth of stones to make this many bracelets, leaving 350,000 for labor costs, gas, loan payments and profit his loan payment is 50,000 Rp a month
when setor earrings gets 1.5 million kotor for 300 pairs
he says he earns 100,000 profit after his loan payment (150,000 before payment)
before KUPEDES (i.e. 1984) he earned only 50,000 profit a month, and no loan payment
but his wife and younger brothers and sisters are now considered as hired workers and he deducts their wages before calculating profits, whereas before they profit-shared
before KUPEDES he made 50-100 rings and 25 bracelets a month, so