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his production was less than half
he received 2500 Rp masuh per bracelet and 1000 Rp masuh per ring
Jusuf also gets his gold and silver from Toko Bintang 52; A.A. doesn't know the origin of the gold and silver

A.A.'s father earns about 100,000Rp a month from selling alang2; earned about half that in 1984; earns this year-round formerly the family raised pigs, but they added a sleeping balai and now there is no place to keep the pigs

standard of living:  there are 4 building in the house compound other than tempat sembayang
there buildings are from brick and plaster with cement floors
in 1987 they added a sleeping balai which cost 2.5 million and was paid for out of the profits of their silver enterprise
they own the following types of consumer goods:
- one old bicycle
- the sepeda motor
- one old radio
- one tape recorded, bought in 1984 for 50,000 Rp
- one TV, bought in 1983 for 175,000 Rp
- electricity installed in 1985 at a cost of 125,000 Rp (monthly payments 6500 Rp)
- water from government pipes, installed in 1985, at a cost of 65,000 Rp (monthly payments 3500 Rp)
- two old lemari
- one bamboo set of chairs and table
- five beds

he pays 150 Rp a mo. for his daughter's SD school fees, plus 15,000 Rp a year for her uniform and shoes - he also gives her 300 Rp pocket money a day
he 20-year old sister pays all her school fees out of the salary he gives her; amount to about 168,000 Rp a year
he says the major benefit from program participation is the new sleeping balai and motorcycle bought from profits
formerly they went to PUSKEMAS if they were sick, but now can go to a doctor
his children were born at home with a dukun, but his wife is now pregnant and he wants this child to be born at Rumah Sakit Sangra

he would like another loan, doesn't know how much, to set up a store; he would sell silver on one side of the store and use the other side for a warung kebutuhan sehari-hari

5. from data bookley Anak Agung Riyana Saputra (same as 2 above)(underlined)
(booklet [circled] filled out by Gary)
A.A. has been a pengrajin perak since 1980
he has saved at Bank Sari Partha since 1980
the 23 are of kebun has only been planted in bananas and coconut for the last 2 years, and the coconut belum berbuah before this land was apparently planted in alang2 and could be harvested every 6 mo. - local name for alang2 'ambangan'(?)