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Notes Relating to Blacksmithing and Other Metalworks from January 1991 BRI field to Bali 

(note: no field trip made to Bali in 1990)

1. from interview with Secretary of Beraban village, Tabanan

there are 2 pandai besi in Beraban village who make and repair agricultural tools

2. from Wiwi's discussion with the Kaudes of Kediri

there are 30 pandai besi households in Desa Batu Sagihan, in the operational area of Unit Desa Den Bantas
they use 'per' (spring steel from vehicles) as raw material
they use charcoal from coconut shells (batok kelapa)

3. from interview with son of Mpu Santa Budhi

visited the home of I Pande Nyoman Rai in Tabanan
he is the son of the late Mpu Santa Budhi, ritual head of the pande caste in Bali, and also head of the marga pande (pande clan)
Mpu Santa Budhi unfortunately died in September, 1990, about 3 months before our visit, at a very advanced age (his son claims 106)
he stopped smithing at age 80, however, and devoted himself to his ceremonial and priestly tasks
his son makes tumbak trisula, tumbak jeriring, keris without pamor, and samurai swords
makes these items on order
uses 'per' as raw material
charcoal from bamboo for iron, charcoal from coconut shell for brass (kuningan)
if use bamboo charcoal for brass, the brass becomes "sticky" (lengket)
raw material for brass from shell casings
it takes 2 weeks to make a samurai sword, and he sells it for 200,000 Rp
Mpu Santa Budhi also made same type of items as father, also keris with no pamor ((but probably not samurai swords))
they have used the ubub putar (rotary bellows)) since 1946
son uses 1 tukang ubub and 1 panjak
there are pura pande (pande temples) at:
1. Tanah Lot (near the kiosk where I conducted an interview)
2. Bedugul, Danau Beratan
3. Besakih
4. Gunung Batur, east of the main Pura; is called Pura Penyongsong Gumi (Dunia)
((there is also a pura beside Sri Mpu's house called Balai Banjar Pandai, but I didn't see it at the time of this interview and only heard about it later))
are also many other small pande temples; all temples carry out the same pande ceremonies
Sri Empu Pande was his father's title, not his name
all persons with this title are decended from the famous Majapahit smith, Mpu Gandring
