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his father had three sons: one became a soldier, one a civil servant, and one (our host) a smith the son used to attend ceremonies with his father, but he doesn't consider himself an expert 
he has an important pande lontar at home, however, and he is now studying it to learn "ilmu upacara" (the science or knowledge of ceremony)
the name of this lontar is "Sunari Bungka"; he says it is about the pande's geneology (keturunan pande)
he has number of other lontars, but they are not about the pandes I asked about the offerings for Tumpek Landep and was told that are four offerings, as follows:
1. parsan daksina,consisting of kelapa, terlur, bunga, beras and dupa (coconut, egg, flowers, dry rice and incense)
 2. suci consisting of kelapa, tulur, bunga,beras and  cooked rice) 
 3. tebansa Brahma, the most important offering, which contains only items which are red (the color of Brahma),including beras merah, bunga merah, ayam merah, kain merah, daun merah, jajan merach (red rice, red flowers, red chicken, red cloth, red leaves, red cakes) the red leaf used is from the andong plant, the leaf turns red as it matures
this offering is placed near the fire (geni in Balinese)
4. prasista, similar to the third offering but everything is white to represent purity; is placed in a special 'tempat suci' in the perpen
all families make the first two type of offerings for tumpek landep, but only pande families makes the third and fourth which are placed in the parapen
a pande cannot marry a non-pande, he says
also says that a pande will not take tirta (holy water) from a pedanda (his was very firm about this)
the main occupation of his deceased father was making tirta for the pandes
there is a kind of offering called a pesimpanan pedagingan which consists of:
a. barang logam macam2 (different kinds of metal)
b. pis bolong (antique Chinese copper money)
c. batu mira4 (ruby)
d. mas (gold)
((pedagingan means essence in this context, I think))
a pedanda must get the iron for this offering from an mpu pande
the iron, consisting of minature tools, is put in a small round metal case
the minature tools include:
a. timpas
b. kandik
c. paot
d. pemaje ((pemaji?))
e. temutik
pedanda adds other things to the case, depending on caste
the case is wrapped (dibungkus) and then used in a "pasopati untuk menguatkan" (strengthening ceremony)
if the ceremony is for someone from the marga pande, he add mas,