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correct: Sangihan

-2 [[underlined]] tukang kikir [[/underlined]]
he doesn't use any hired labor, only family members
his products include: parang, pisau, pedang, balaka (golok, cleaver), sabit and calok (catok?)
he sells his tools to Denpasar where he has 5 [[underlined]] langganan [[/underlined]]; they have warung kelontongan (small stores0 where they resell
the market is slow from January through May (sulit pasaran/kesurutan) and he must sell cheaper then
he makes mainly on order for his langganan; if he gets no orders he must market his tools cheaply by going around to villages and markets on his motorcycle
despite the slow period, he manufactures all year long
sells bamboo knives (belakas jepit) for 60,000 Rp a kodi ((notes not clear here: exactly they say "sells more bamboo knives, 60,000 Rp a kodi, ecer 5000"))
most of the smiths own some sawah, but he doesn't 
those who own sawah go to the fields in the busy season with their who families; they work the sawahs themselves rather than using hired labor
the blacksmithing industry is "turun temurun" they say, and can't remember its origin
there is a big Pura Pande here in Batu Sangihan; they either go here or to another Pura Pande in Denpasar
once a year they go to Besakih, but not on a fixed day the name "Batu Sangihan" means stone for polishing 
now they use a file made in RRT

5. [[underlined]] from revisit to I Wayan Rutig, keris dealer [[/underlined]]

(accompanied by Garrett and Bron Solyom, Pak Jayawardana from Dinas Perindustrian, and Pak Wayan Jiwa from BRI Unite Desa Ubud)
Rutig lives in Desa Batuan, Kec. Sukawati
(also see interview #5, Bali 1988)
he is making fake ivory handles, modeled form fiberglass- this material is called "gip" (gyp?)
he gets this material from Surabaya
buys arsenic (warangan) used for faking pamor on blades from Toko Arab in Denpasar (Pasar Kumbasari)
Rutig says a kris is a lingga and its sheath is a yoni ((looked at on end the sheath does give this appearance))
says the tang of the kris also a lingga
he also mentioned the [[underlined]] pedagingan [[/underlined]] offering and said it was used in 'upacara pemlapas' to bless a building
5 items are used in the pedagingan, namely:
- podi (?) iron?
- mira
- mas
- perak
- tembaga
these items are put in a 'rapatan' and buried under buildings, for example under a pura than is being built
there is a pura pande near his house, if you go to the corner and turn north
a large temple at Klungkun, at Gandamayu, at Gelgel (notes not clear; whether this is one temple or three; Ganda Mayu is located in Klung-


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