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his oldest son was interviewed for our research project yesterday, although he is better-educated and says he seldom helps with the smithing work (see #10 below)
blacksmithing is 'turun temurun' in Delod Pangkung
they have been using a rotary bellows since 1975
his rotary bellows obtained from Denpasar (banjar Tata Sang Klod, desa Sumarta)
he has never used a large number of workers, but has always worked alone or with his younger brother (adik)
he uses areng made from cemara wood, sometimes mixed with areng made from coffee trees
he uses 1-2 karong of areng a mo., each weighing about 40 kilo. 
he says that he works almost every day and uses about 5 kilo areng a day
he only works on order
he mainly makes kitchen knives and tools for silversmiths (scissors, pliers, etc.)
he never makes items for the pura
his oldest son, who sat in on the interview, works in a hospital; his 15-year old son sometimes works in the perapen, and in fact was helping at the time of our visit
Pande M. T. never makes keris, and says that the only pande in the village to makes keris is Pande Cekug, brother of Pande Cekeg 
offering made for Tumpek Landep is called tebasan
the family of M. T make Tebesan Brahma especially for the perpen; they do this for a ceremony which they call 'upacara api' (fire ceremony)
Tebesan Brahma is an offering made of things which are red, including tumpeng merah (red rice cone), daun andong (red leaf), pisang andong (red banana), jajan merah (red snacks/cakes), kain merah (red cloth), etc.
they place the offering on a small wooden cot which is then put in the perapen
the tools are decorated with woven decorations made of daun kelapa muda (young coconut leaves) or janur leaves - these woven decorations are called sasap
sasap are put on tools such as hammers (palu), files, etc. and also on the rotary bellows; for the fools they are tied on 
this ceremony will be carried out at the end of March this year; offerings usually given in the late afternoon, about 3:00 pm 
if the sasap are made of lontar leaves they will last and can be used continuously
Pande M. T. uses a water quench (sepoh); he says that oil is only used for 'hard iron' (besi keras)
as raw material he usually uses besi proyek and per
he gets this scrap from Toko Gloria on Jl. Kartini in Denpasar
before 1950 he didn't have to buy the iron himself; it was brought by the people who came to have him order tools
sometimes he also used (uses?) ship plate (bekas kapal rusak) from the Revolution (i.e. from 1945)
formerly he only made farm and kitchen tools; since 1985, however he has also been making tools for silver smiths
he can make one set of silverworking tools a day, consisting of a pair of pliers and a pair of shears
he gets orders for these tools from silversmiths living in Celuk,