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Singapadu, and 'around here'
he also farmed rice until 1975, but then he fell ill and had to turn it over to a sharecropper
his wife sells snacks (jajan) in the Sukawati Main Market (Pasar Umum Sukawati)
they have 6 children
Pande M. T. was born in 1929 and is now 62 years old
he says there are old [[underlined]] keris [[/underlined]]] in the small Pura Batur in the village, but none of them have [[underlined]] pamor [[underlined]]
he says that none of the blacksmiths in Delod Pangkung can make pamor, and that "no one can make the old things now" ("barang-barang kuno tidak ada yang dapat buat sekarang"
he also attends ceremonies on the 10th moon (purnama kedasa) at the large Pura Batur and at Pura Besakih
every moon is 35 days, and is called a [[underlined]] sasih [[/underlined]] ; thus 10 moons is equal to 350 days
he says that the place for smiths at Batur is behind the main pura on the north side
the place for smiths at Besakih is beside Pura Ratu Pande
((these may be the places where ceremonial perapen are located))
he says there are other pande communities (banjar pande) in Kediri and Tabanan

10. [[underlined]] from data booklet Pande Nyoman Puspa, from blacksmithing family, Sukawati [[/underlined]]

Pande Nyoman Puspa is the 24-year old son of Pande Mangku Tapa, interviewed above
lives in his house
Pande M. T. is age 70 and his wife age 54; other people in the household are three boys age 26, 18 and 15, and a girl age 18
Puspa attended akademi and he works in a hospital
Pande M. T. and oldest boy also sell snacks in the market
they also have 5000 sq. meters (50 are) sawah which they sharecrop out and 1500 sq. meters in coconut trees
nonetheless, most of their income from blacksmithing
Pande M. T. gets 25% advance from Celuk silversmiths who buy his tools; no difference in price if does not get an advance
family has savings accounts in Bank Dana Merta and a hospital coop; they deposit 5000 Rp a day in Dana Merta out of money earned from blacksmithing and market trade
family has certificates on their rice land, coconut land and house plot; Puspa has an SK and someone has vehicle license papers; thus they could get bank loans if needed
the blacksmithing enterprise was inherited by Pande M. T. from his father
perapen is 6 x 3 meters in size
their equipment includes (a) 2 rotary ubub bought for 90,000 Rp in 1976, (b) 1 filing machine (mesin kikir) bought for 75,000 Rp in 1989, (c) 15 hammers (palu), 5 pairs of tongs (sepit), and 1 anvil (bantalan besi/paron); not including inherited equipment such as the perapen itself, their total capital investment about 170,000 Rp due to the new filing machine, can finish 5 "buah besi" (products? pieces of iron?) a day, whereas formerly could only finish 3 
turnover period 3 days