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100,000 Rp a month
'not only puras boy his dishes but also individuals
his dishes are polished with a white crystalline substance he calls 'portas'; this substance is poisonous, and he notes tha tit is also used as a fish poison
to carry out his repousse work he uses vertical forming anvil, fixed in the ground; his foot rests against the base of this anvil as he works
his tapping hammers uses [[underlined]] gangsa [[/underlined]], a type of bronze, on the ends, which doesn't damage the silver the way iron  hammers would do (Garrett calls this 'bell metal') - the hammer is L-shaped, with the gangsa just on the tapping end
his son, who is somehow connected with BRI (I think he works in the Klunkung office) is named I Wayan Sudikta; he can do repousse work also, but never does because he is a 'pegawai negeri' (govn. official) 
they can also make gold plated dishes, but never do
the family also observes Tumpek Landep
they make an offering called 'tumpeng pitu' in the shape of 7 small mountains of white rice
the family sometimes makes brass stands from shell casings
shell casings are called [[underlined]] klongsong pelurah [[/underlined]], 'klonsong' meaning sheath; they discussed a keris smith, Pak Mangkuwija, from Banjar Pande, Desa Kusamba, also Klungkung; Garrett knows him and says he is not very skillful
((my notes here say 'copper disepoh perak', but I don't kow if this refers to the keris sheath, or another type of product made by the family))
another offering made by the family is 'jejati'; this uses 6 'ketupak' (?), including 1 'kelan' (?), and a 'datsina'
showed us a datsina, which is a conical container made of coconut leaves still with the ribs, often made for offerings; in this case it is filled with egg, rice and coconut
other offerings include 'durmang aleh' which uses one coe ('tumpeng') of red rice, and 'prastina' which huses five cones
red color in offerings is for 'cleansing' ('pembersihan'), they say; they do not make the Brahmana offering, however
((these notes on offerings are a bit confused))
the family has a color TV and an American heavyweight boxing championship was on when we were there; two other daughters were sitting in a balai, open on two or three sides, watching TV with their friends; while watching they were making paintings (lukisan) on canvas in the old Klungkung style which resembles wayang; to outline the paintings they were using felt-tipped pens

12.  [[underlined]] from interview with I Wayan Paing, silver sculptor, Kamasan village [[/underlined]]

on same day visited I Wayan Paing, a sculptor wo makes very fine small statues from silver and gold, including keris handles
he has often been written up in [[underlined]] Bali Post [[/underlined]]
only works on order
used to use a Chinese bellows, but has used a small 'kompor' (blowtorch) since 1972
he has many orders, so it takes a year to get anything from him
((have a note here: Singaraja desa Braten Bengli banjar north side