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sampling booklet #3

3 Ibu Sri Sumadi
kampung Krandon
kel. Sidomoyo
kec. Godean
35 years 

a. Sumadi, husband 41
b. Ardigustami [[male]] 16
c. Benny Janarto: [[male]] 13

cousins kaki adik 
d. S. Wahyudi [[male]] 18 husband's sdr. angkat
e. S. Darwadi [[female]] 15

f. Nardinah 30 [[female]] servant

husband is karyawan KUD Godean
also usaha dibidang angkutan- about 10 workers (drivers, kernet, etc.) 

gets commission from pupuk sales but she thinks no salary

for carrying pupuk he has truck & HS (colt pick-up)