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[[circled]]6[[/circled]] booklet #9
[[male symbol]]
Rumunto Raharjo peel. beras

kamporg Ndagen 
kal Sidaarun
kee. Godean

age 46

a. istsi, Rubriyem, 36
b. Waljianto, [[male symbol]], 19
c. Widianingsih [[female symbol]], 17 school
d. Jstiani [[female symbol]], 14 "
e. Wahyuni [[female symbol]], 13 "
f. Farida Kusniasani [[female symbol]] 2 1/2

he is pedagang beras + brusah bargunan (tuk. batu)
kalau sepi in seie tuding looks for construction jobs 
- [[underlined]]wife is main rice trader[[/underlined]] 
beli beras, jual beras
- Waljianto [[underlined]]ternak kamboj[[/underlined]] (3 ehor) + ayam (25 ekos, ayam ras)