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from 1st minus 10,000Rp
on land [[?]] dispatch, final
   sana provides inputs
production of rice

Sunardi has only worked
for 4 mo.

no Lebanan bonuses for 
not off for panen anywhere

Standard of living
a. 4 old bicycles
b. Radio
c. 1 radio-cassette
g. TV, bought '82,  125,00
h. elect[[?]] 150,000 Rp, 
pasarg[[?]] 1986 
6000 a mo.
water from own well
3 bedrooms
14 x 11 m^2

masihdirt[[?]] floor
m. 5 lemais [[?]]

added genteng[[?]] + plavon[[?]]

Transcription Notes:
some words were not clear