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booklet #47 1
TRISNOSUHARJO [[male symbol]]
kampung [[circled]] Puncung [[/circled]]/Kerangasem kal [[strikethrough]] Kera [[/strikethrough]][[circled]] Wukirsau [[/circled]] kec. Jmogiri
[[circled]] perusahan wayang [[/circled]]

[[brackets surrounding b.-f.]] children [[/brackets]]
a.  istri, Painem, 36
b. Tukirmanto, 21 [[male symbol]] out of school SIMEA
c. Wildodo [[male symbol]], 19 SGO (ole naga)
d. in de cost deluar-1 day a wk. Subagio [[male symbol]], 17 Klas 1 STM
e. Purwanti 12 [[female symbol]]
f. Sriutami 7 [[female symbol]]
g. Daman [[male symbol]] 13 (anak telangga who helps)

he has a wayang factory, himself, wife, oldest son full time, next 3 kids after school, Daman, 4 other workers from outside (3 [[male symbol]] & 1 [[female symbol]]) altogether 11