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brought 100 ekor, [[symbol:female]], 1500@

C) Aug, 1987, 100,000 Rp, m.k. pet, 1x4mo. [[symbol:male]]
[[slashthrough]]bond[[\slashthrough]] brought 100 ekor x 1000
[[slashthrough]]who[[\slashthrough]] brown color cheaper

he sells ducks for meat, doesn't look for the eggs

d) Jan, 1988, 200,000 Rp, 1x4mo., m.k., pet
   200 ekor [[symbol:male]] brown, @1000

e) May, 1988 200,000 Rp, m.k pet 1x6 bulan
   white ducks, 1500 Rp each, all for that (+ or 
   = to 133 ekor)

f) Oct. 1988, 500,000 Rp, 8 bulan, 1x anggsun, m.k. pet