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small before 700->1500 putih
160->800 bl. & brown 

sells small 3x a yr. &
large 3x a yr

small buys *white 1500 sells 3000 (1500)
brown 500 (1000) sells 1500
hitam 600 (1100) sells 1700
besar buys white 3000 (2500) sells 5500
choc. 1500 (1500) sells 3000
hitam 1700 (1800) 3500

also raises in polowijo season
2 yrs. ago lost half to illness ("itiknya lesu")

more profit on large
used holy water from temple 
when sick
bought medicine from store
buy [[but]] didn't help
no other [[strikethrough]] kecr [[/strikethrough]] kenacetan
turnover 2 mo.