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[[underlined]]bamboo[[/underlined]] a year 
before also 20,000 (more 
sold, price lower 

[[underlined]]warung[[/underlined]] — 2000 a day x 
25 hari = 50,000 a mo. 

[[underlined]]bagi hasil ketela[[/underlined]] — 
15,000 per panen their 
share x 3 times panen; 
actually they eat 
before hitung 10,000 
(eat 25 K beras a 
mo. mixed w/ ketela = 
oran) (tiwal on Java)
mixed 50:50
same before KUP

now 3 pigs a yr., before 1 
this yr. 20,000, will sell 
75 K at 1200 per K — 
1 [[strikethrough]] mo. [[/strikethrough]] year
3 mo —> [[strikethrough]] w [[/strikethrough]] 10
don't buy food, sisa dopurt