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72 K
better clothes
wants to borrow again, 
maybe to Cabang because
wants 25 juta
wants to open another war.
at Cekigan

[[note in red pen- booklet #100]]
2) [[Strikethrough]] Rudin [[/Strikethrough]] Samsuddin 
Udin 47 [[male sign]]
[[note in red pen- warung nasit kelontongan]]
Kamp. Cipanas
desa Rancabangau
Kec Tarogong

a. Holilah, wife, +-40
b. Mulyana, [[male sign]], 2nd child, 
19, tanat SMA
[[strikethrough]] belum be [[/strikethrough]] unempl
c. Lia Yulia 18, tanat SPG
(teacher's school, high sch. 