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70 off
a son of his brother nand Deryat, 20 +-, helps leaves 5:30 or 6:00 to sand mining location 
correction: joint w/ Haji Endang
ras. leaves w/ him + home w/ him - bagi hasil modal 
Haji has 1 sep motor + 1 colt pick-up Ohim Jbrahim also helps.
Daryat gets 30,000 + rakan + nokok (worth 1000)
if Daryat has no work, drives colt for s.o. else,
about 2 wks for ras. a mo + 2 wks for colt owner
Ohim helps 20 days a mo. , paid 2000 Rp a day ( 1500 food + cigs)
supervises workers, [?] 
7:00-5:00 PM
so 4 workers